I was saddened to hear that Louis "Shoeshine" Cobb died today of an apparent heart attack. He was a downtown Lexington fixture and the best dressed fella' you ever did see. One of the most unique characters around, to be sure. Seriously, always dressed to the nine, coattails and all, and ready to shine your shoes. I wish now that I had let him, at least once.
I didn't know him personally, but saw him often (as did anyone who was ever downtown, ever) and spoke with him occasionally. I'm sure he had his moments, but he was never anything but polite and classy in my encounters. I was also intrigued to find out that he attended practically every single LFUCG Council meeting and often spoke on behalf of a number of issues.
There's a documentary about him floating around somewhere called "Can't Stop the Shine" - if anyone has a link, or more info on that, please send it my way (kyblueline@gmail.com).
I have no doubt that he will be missed by many.
Link to Louis' Shoeshine web site
More details about Louis at ACEWeekly
Photos of Shoeshine at Thursday Night Live - July of 2009