As always, if I left off your event, don't be offended...leave it in a comment!

- Takeshi Kitano's The Blind Swordsman Zatoichi (2003) at the Kentucky Theatre in conjunction w/ the samurai film fest, which goes till Thursday (with Ghost Dog on Wed; Sukiyaki Western Django on Thurs).
- Three Legged Race w/ some "weird bands from Chicago" (one's called Shattered Hymen)at the Fact House (473 E. Maxwell, the house of Lanham and Bush). Things usually get going around 9ish over there....
Wed, 4/22:
- Earth Days in the Bluegrass: Big Fresh, Downtown County Band, Spooky Q's will be playing at Memorial Ampitheatre (right behind Memorial Hall). The event also features poetry readings by outgoing state poet laureate Jane Gentry Vance, Bianca Spriggs and Chuck Clenney. This has been one of the most fun campus events since back in the dark ages when I was in college. Really sweet outdoor venue that should be utilized more often. I'm getting conflicting weather reports for Wednesday...dashboard on my computer tells me it will be 68 and sunny, Bill Meck says high of 60 and mostly cloudy...All ages, FREE. p.s. On a side note, check out Bill Meck's totally awesome weather blog. (Unfortunately, it appears he's barely had the time or the drive to keep up with it since January.)
- Holler Poets Series #11, featuring Donna Ison and Jude Lally at Al's Bar. Two very different and equally fascinating readers; promises to be a great event, as always. Music by fantastic local singer/guitarist Warren Byrom of the Swells. All ages, FREE.
- Godd w/ Battlecry, Pslychosis at the Skylight Lounge (in Main Street Live, across the volleyball court and up the stairs from the Dame) many of you might also know Godd as Nick Kidd's band. Fun times, heavy, theatrical circus rock (?)....I hear influences of Primus, Ween, Mr. Bungle...but that's just me....21 +, $5ish cover
Thurs, 4/23:
- The Swells w/ Slow Claw and !!Girlie Girl!! Burlesque Show at the Green Lantern. Can't seem to find much info about the burlesque show, but it's about damn time Lexington got another burlesque show, and I couldn't possibly think of a better venue.
- Wale w/ UCB, Colin Munroe, Loose Change w/ Nate FX, and The US Band at Old Tarr Distillery (903 Manchester St.). I'm going to be honest, I know nothing about these hip hop bands, except that I did read that Washington D.C.-based Wale released a Seinfeld themed mixtape last year (The MixTape About Nothing). So I'm intrigued. And I'm going to assume these guys are the cream of the hip hop crop if WRFL is sponsoring the show. (Is that wrong?) Also sponsored by, a new-ish "streetwear boutique" on North Limestone (near the corner of Maxwell...check out their site...) All ages/$5.
- Tiny Fights (my new favorite Lex band - heavy psychelectonica dance jams), F.D.U. ("psych-garage-kid-rock" - as Jamie says Reid would say), Street Gnar (heard a bit on last week's WRFL Live - really nice space guitar loops w/eerie vocals from Case of Jovantaes) @ Derby City Espresso in Louisville. They want you there. You want to be there. Go.
Fri, 4/24:
- Fourth Friday - closing night of PaintPresent, featuring live bluegrass form the Blind Corn Liquor Pickers, food, schmooze, art, the works @ The Loudoun House.
- Latin Heat & Special guest @ Al's Sidecar (formerly known as Cheater's). Latin heat = new Lex band featuring Matt Gibson, Andy Stith, and Drew.
- Share the road! Group Bike Ride - 5:30 p.m. at Woodland Park in conjunction w/ Earth Days in the Bluegrass. Ride ends at Worsham Theatre on UK's campus for a screening of Still we Ride, a documentary that captures an '04 Critica Mass bike ride in New York that ending in arrests and choas three days before the Republican National Convention.
Sat, 4/25:
Big Fresh will be performing at The Dame in celebration of the national release of Big Fresh Forever. Word on the street is they will be playing two sets with lots of new songs. P.S. Pretty sure Big Fresh had the egg-breaking-in-your-hand picture going on aeons before Yeah Yeah Yeahs came out with their new album cover...
Honorable mentions of the week:
Thurs, 4/23 - Of Montreal @ Madison Theatre (Cincy)
Thurs, 4/23 - African guitar great Habib Koite will perform "Music from Mali: In the Mouth of a Crocodile" @ Berea College Phelps-Stokes Auditorium.
Thurs 4/23 - Disco Biscuits @ Headliner's (Lou)
Fri, 4/24- Peter, Pjorn & John @ Southgate House (Newport)
Fri, 4/24 - The Instruction w/ Chico Fellini and Chemic @ Pour Haus (Lou)
Quick tweak--Chico Fellini plays in Louisville on Friday 24th, not Thursday 23rd. Thank you!